Quick post!

This will be a quick post, because I must go now. Today it's going to bo training and a bit like that, maybe I will have time to update som more when I get home tonight, not sure.


Murders in Midsummer!

Right now everybody is sitting and watching murders in midsummer on TV. I went and sat by the computer to update my website. Now they have switched to another program. Today it's Friday the Thirteenth - unlucky day. But I wasn't unlucky today, anyway. We had technology instead of social studies today and that's good. Then I had the training of course, where I injured my knee (it was the only unfortunate thing that happened today!). Then when we went had eaten everybody sat down by the TV but I went and poured out the chips and dip mixed and stuff.
Tomorrow it will be cleaning day (y) and I'll clean the closet. Then I will help to Sis's celebration.
Now I must go!

Goodbye! <3

Welcome to my new website!

This is my new website where I write in english for all my friends in USA

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